Since this is a proof-of-concept, I'd like some feedback. Which images work best? What type of design (geometric or organic) works better with the photos? Do the images feel cohesive (both the subject matter of the photos, the designs, and the combination of the two)?

Any comments you might have for me as I move forward would be appreciated.
Oh thats so fun! Now I understand :) Its there but not distracting which I think is what you were going for!
I love that we're looking at the surface and past the surface at the same time. I get an odd surveillance feeling For some reason. Like a grid on the lens of a viewfinder. For some reason crop patterns and x-files come to mind. The retro colors in the photos probably help this. The ones that work best for me have an industrial focal point (hard and angular) with simple patterns in the overlay like symbols or language. Would love to see more!
Hey, sleeper! I just noticed today that I had a comment awaiting moderation...
Thanks for the feedback. I love that you're getting the tension between surface and beyond the surface. I was responding more to the flat, angular images, so I'm glad to hear they're working. And I love the idea that the patterns might be some sort of symbol or language.
Well, looks like I should get started on round 2...
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